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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Filipinas, in the Eyes of Expats

It is common knowledge that many western men are strongly attracted to Filipinas. Whether for a girlfriend or make her his legal wife, it is certain that a Filipina always tops in a westerner’s choice. So, what do Filipinas have that western women do not have?


First is the Filipina color. Most foreigners love the golden-brown color of almost all Filipinas. She’s not extremely dark but also not pale-skinned like most western women which many male Caucasians are accustomed to.

Second, Filipinas are known to be subservient to the people they love. Because most men who come to visit the country or migrate to the Philippines are those who are in the prime of their lives, they need women who can love them, be their companions at the same time, women who these men are sure will serve them till the day they die.

Third reason is the Filipina’s being very sweet and soft-spoken. Aside from a Filipina’s innate femaleness, she is charming. No man – whether Filipino or foreigner – can resist a woman who displays these attributes.

Fourth is their being inherently feminine. Such femininity of Filipinas brings out the “chivalrous” tendencies of men, their “macho image” is being reinforced, and men feel like they are the “protector” and the “knight in shining armor” in their relationships. This femininity likewise gives a man the feeling that he is a “real man,” he is the one “wearing the pants” in the house.

Fifth reason is a Filipina’s relentless patience and her inherent trait to withstand anything and still manage to stay audacious. Whether she is a mother, a wife or a daughter, a Filipina is known for her endurance and fortitude and she rarely reneges on her obligations even in the midst of trials and tribulations, huge problems, in the midst of intense loneliness or financial hardships. While a Filipina’s outside appearance seems that of softness and femininity, she is extremely resilient, strong will power, and is always hopeful that she will be able to rise above everything.

Favorite Place to Visit and Retire

In a known magazine (Forbes Magazine), the Philippines is among the few nations that topped in the list of tourists’ favorite places to go and retire.

The choice is based on specific criteria such as climate, security, people’s hospitality, cultural attractions, cost of living, taxes, medical care, and the ease with which foreigners can go back to their respective countries. Another big reason why many foreigners like to stay in the Philippines is because of the Filipinos’ fluency in the English language.  

One proof that the Philippines is an attractive country in the eyes of foreign tourists and expatriates is that on the month of May 2017 alone, there were approximately 532,757 foreign tourists who came to visit the Philippines.

In the 2010 Census of Population and Housing report, roughly 177,368 (Table-1)foreigners are residing in the country. This figure does not include those who are members of the diplomatic missions and those non-Filipinos who are members of international organizations and other civilian foreigners who are already residing in the country. The data on Table-1 shows simple proof that the Philippines has been recognized as a beautiful place to live in, whether one is a Filipino or a foreigner.

Bad Image and Misperception

Most Filipinas who marry foreigners earn the “indignation” and “disrespect” of their co-Filipinos. Many of them are accused of being “gold-diggers,” “just after the money,” or “swindlers.” They are also being accused being after the pension or their foreigner-husbands and these men are just “stepping stones” so that they can escape the wretched clutches of poverty. For some Filipinas, these might be true; however, there really are Filipinas who marry because of love. It isn’t right and just to generalize that women who marry foreigners are all cheats or gold-diggers.

Yes, it is true that many Filipinas who marry foreigners come from poor families. But it is very judgmental for anyone to immediately think that these women really planned to defraud these foreigners or have the intentions of ripping these men off from the very beginning of the relationship. It is just incidental that they came from poor families when these foreigners got attracted to them.

Take the case of Loryjean, a 20-year-old lady and a native of La Libertad, Negros Oriental. She belongs to a poor family and she hasn’t finished schooling. A British national who is already 61 years old got to like her and began courting her. Their relationship lasted for 4 years. Since Loryjean displayed candor, humility, and sincerity, Peter decided to marry her. According to Peter, “of the many Filipinas I’ve met, she is the only one who never asks for money or takes advantage of me” (sa lahat ng Pilipinang nakilala ko, siya lang talaga ang hindi nanghihingi ng pera o nagsamantala sa akin). Loryjean is just one of the thousands of Filipinas who are sincere to their foreigner boyfriends/husbands and proof that not all Filipinas are “gold-diggers.”

Loving, subservient, sweet and soft-spoken, sincere, resilient, and endures all things – these are the reasons why expatriates love Filipinas. In the eyes of these foreigners, as far as attributes are concerned, a Filipina tops them all!!!

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