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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Chinese Horoscope May 24, 2024


Your hesitation about leaving will follow you to your destination. You won’t find peace or tranquility. So, while you still have the chance, resolve your feelings first so they don’t weigh you down.
Lucky numbers: 15, 25, 30, 42


If you think your efforts for your family aren’t enough, give even more. For our family, it’s never wrong to give our all as long as it’s for everyone’s well-being. Never doubt your capabilities.
Lucky numbers: 12, 21, 29, 56


There are things you need to let go of for now. Don’t regret it because nothing is permanent in this world. You won’t move forward if you don’t know how to let go. There are still many things you need to fix.
Lucky numbers: 10, 23, 31, 33


Don’t be sad if your friend can’t fulfill your request. They may have their reasons. It’s not important for you to know these reasons. It’s better to prepare yourself for many options and be ready for the possible outcomes.
Lucky numbers: 30, 42, 57, 58


Despite your efforts to finish the project you started, it still won’t be completed today. There will be people who will interrupt you, but you can’t turn them away because they have come from far away.
Lucky numbers: 6, 12, 13, 50


Finally, your boss will notice your extra efforts at work. You can smell the promotion you’ve been waiting for. Just keep up your good attitude at work and maintain good relationships with everyone.
Lucky numbers: 16, 25, 66, 70


You won’t be embarrassed to approach a relative for help. They will give you the assistance you need. Don’t mind what you hear from other relatives as it won’t help with your problem.
Lucky numbers: 31, 44, 53, 65


You will be very enthusiastic at work today because of your new inspiration. This person will put a smile on your face and complete your day. Because of the happiness you feel, even heavy tasks will seem light.
Lucky numbers: 17, 23, 40, 50


You will have a severe financial need. Even though you have friends you can turn to, you won’t do it. Instead, you’ll think of other ways to solve your problem.
Lucky numbers: 5, 12, 22, 34


You will rely on your loved one’s promises. You know deep down that you can’t do anything to stop their plan to work abroad, so you will hold on to their promises.
Lucky numbers: 14, 34, 38, 39


There is a job waiting for you. This job will ease your life a bit. However, you won’t get it just yet. You will go through some trials, so increase your patience and perseverance.
Lucky numbers: 57, 69, 70, 71


You have a long way to go before you can match what your mother has done for you, and you might not even reach half of her sacrifices for your family, so don’t be stubborn.
Lucky numbers: 18, 29, 34, 36

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