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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Chinese Horoscope (ENG) Pebrero 9, 2024

The thing that’s been bugging your mind will be wiped out today, not because it will be solved, but because a new issue will resurface in its place. Lucky numbers: 57, 67, 68, 72

BAKA (OX) You’ll be extremely busy preparing some important documents as proof of claim over something in the future. You have to finish obtaining all these requirements as soon as possible if you don’t want all your effort to amount to nothing. Lucky numbers: 19, 20, 25, 32

TIGRE (TIGER) The competition between you and your siblings will be a topic of discussion today. It might not be resolved immediately; however, you still feel a slight improvement in the situation which could eventually lead to the end of the issue. Lucky numbers: 17, 20, 22, 26

KUNEHO (RABBIT) You can’t bear seeing your partner unhappy; that’s why today you’ll surprise him/her. You’re thinking that this could help ease his/her problems somehow. Lucky numbers: 38, 39, 48, 50

DRAGON (DRAGON) The pile of unfinished work you still have couldn’t be finished in a day. You’d still need a few more days to complete everything, and you might also have to ask a trusted friend for help. Lucky numbers: 11, 13, 24, 25

AHAS (SNAKE) A diligent person defeats a hard worker. Those are the words you live by. However, it seems like your motto would not be effective this time, and you’ll only fail if you try. You should have let people see that you are a hard worker from the very start; otherwise, someone else might steal that promotion from you. Lucky numbers: 18, 23, 27, 37

KABAYO (HORSE) You’ll notice that someone close to your heart has changed his/her treatment towards you. It’s important to know why, but now isn’t the right time to ask yet. You’d have to wait some other time to talk to this person. Lucky numbers: 32, 43, 47, 59

TUPA (SHEEP) Your life is incomplete without your lover by your side, but you can’t just stop him/her from achieving his/her dreams. Today, you’ll start feeling lonely and sad because of his/her departure. Lucky numbers: 27, 30, 31, 42

UNGGOY (MONKEY) Every moment spent with your favorite person would be joyful and precious. Even though it’s rare to find time for each other, times like this would always be memorable for the both of you. Lucky numbers: 14, 20, 36, 39

TANDANG (ROOSTER) Business will go smooth sailing today. Your earnings will remain balanced for every hour that passes. If you want to level up on your business, you’d have to think of new strategies or ideas as well. Lucky numbers: 9, 10, 12, 15

ASO (DOG) Now is the right time to choose the person fit to replace the position you’re about to leave. If you don’t do it now, someone else might pick a person less qualified for the job. Lucky numbers: 7, 8, 12, 23

BABOY (PIG) You’ll discover a secret about your relative, but you’re not in the position to disclose it to everyone, so you must control yourself. Stay in your lane and respect the fact that your relative has the right to decide for himself/herself. Lucky numbers: 25, 45, 56, 65

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