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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Chinese Horoscope (ENG) October 31, 2023


This is just one simple day that will become meaningful to you because of an important person whom you used to ignore. Because that person is important to you now, every day you spend with them is a special day.

Lucky numbers: 7, 8, 9, 12


You might think that everyone around you is against you because no one is supporting what you want to happen. Before you think ill of them, review your plans first because they might really be flawed.

Lucky numbers: 5, 13, 16, 18


Someone close to you won’t be happy about your plans to go abroad. Even though they don’t oppose you, it’s because they don’t want you to think they’re hindering your dreams. Deep inside, they’re very sad. Learn to empathize.

Lucky numbers: 8, 10, 14, 15


Not everyone will understand your quirks. Only those close to you, like friends and family, will get it. So be careful in dealing with other people, as you might regret it.

Lucky numbers: 7, 9, 11, 12


You’ll have a hard time convincing your friend to partner with you in a business. But it doesn’t mean there’s no hope in convincing them. You just need to change your strategy to show them the benefits.

Lucky numbers: 6, 9, 13, 18


You’ll do everything to win back the person you love, but it won’t be enough because they love someone else now. “For now” means it won’t last either. Focus on someone else for now, and the time will come for both of you.

Lucky numbers: 7, 8, 13, 15


You’ll wonder who among your two friends is telling you the truth. One is an old friend, and the other is a new one. Learn to feel and balance what’s right and wrong. Be fair.

Lucky numbers: 1, 2, 4, 6


You’ll serve as an inspiration to someone you don’t know well. They follow your every move on social media and admire you greatly. They have no intention of letting you know they idolize you because they don’t want you to think they’re a stalker.

Lucky numbers: 5, 7, 8, 11


You’ll be affected by some bad news at work. Don’t dwell on it too much because it’s only temporary. Things will happen, and there are still good opportunities waiting for you in the end.

Lucky numbers: 6, 9, 10, 17


Avoid delivering news to others, especially if it’s uncertain. Let fate bring it to the right people. If you continue to meddle, you might get into trouble.

Lucky numbers: 13, 14, 16, 20


You’ll fight the stress you’re feeling right now. No matter what you do, the problem is still there. However, it’s the right thing to temporarily remove it from your mind. Just don’t forget to think of a solution as well.

Lucky numbers: 10, 17, 18, 19


You’re relying on a promise. But like other promises, you might just end up waiting and being disappointed. It’s better to take action in your own way for yourself rather than waiting for favors from others.

Lucky numbers: 4, 6, 8, 10

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