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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Chinese Horoscope (ENG) May 26, 2024


You will be assigned by your boss to deliver something very important to a major client. This will put a lot of pressure on you, and you’ll be praying that you can do your job well and safely.

Lucky numbers: 9, 10, 13, 25


You will be safe today from confronting an older relative because they will be preoccupied with something else. But this doesn’t mean they will forget. You need to prepare your explanation.

Lucky numbers: 20, 30, 33, 45


During this time of crisis for your whole family, you will realize the importance of each member. You will love them even more and decide to do everything for them.

Lucky numbers: 6, 16, 20, 23


You will get close to someone you don’t like. But you have no other choice. You will need to get along with them whether you like it or not because you will be working together in a group for quite some time.

Lucky numbers: 45, 47, 50, 51


You will inspire others without intending to. You will do something good in their eyes that they will admire and want to emulate. As a result, you will receive praise from them.

Lucky numbers: 14, 20, 22, 25


You will not be able to control your emotions in front of someone who has greatly influenced your life. You will cry in front of them and thank them. Today will be an emotional day for you.

Lucky numbers: 35, 39, 44, 50


You can’t avoid comparing your past life with your present. You will realize how much things have changed. There are things you will be thankful for and things you will just shrug off.

Lucky numbers: 15, 20, 25, 30


You will face a significant challenge at work. If you had trouble commuting before, it will be even harder now. But the thought of quitting won’t cross your mind. You still love your job.

Lucky numbers: 2, 3, 14, 15


It will be hard for you to leave your current job because you have no other options to replace it. So instead of quitting, you will think of ways to make it easier.

Lucky numbers: 10, 19, 23, 24


Your entire attention today will be focused on cooking. If before you just wanted to cook for your loved ones, now you will think about how it can help your livelihood.

Lucky numbers: 7, 17, 40, 43


You will meet a well-known person today. You have a lot you want to say to them but you won’t have the chance. Your meeting time will be short and there will be many distractions.

Lucky numbers: 50, 59, 67, 68


You will continue negotiating with a wealthy person. You won’t give up until you close the deal with them. So today, you will put your all into the conversation.

Lucky numbers: 34, 40, 49, 60

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