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Chinese Horoscope (ENG) January 28, 2024

RAT Someone may desire what you currently have, so be cautious in all aspects of your life. Don’t make your life an open book to those you know are not close to you. Lucky numbers: 24, 26, 27, 31

OX Whether you like it or not, challenges will come into your life. The only thing you can do is to stay calm and broaden your mind to think right, especially in difficult situations. Lucky numbers: 4, 7, 9, 10

TIGER Someone who used to make you feel irritated will change their treatment towards you. Today, you will feel their kindness because of the effort they make for you. Lucky numbers: 40, 42, 46, 59

RABBIT You’ll have a beautiful day with your loved one. Now, they will make amends for their shortcomings in the past days. Their effort to make it up to you will bring you immense joy. Lucky numbers: 15, 16, 20, 22

DRAGON You won’t hesitate to help a friend who is currently struggling due to a volcanic eruption. Whatever you can afford, you will wholeheartedly convey to them because of your shared experiences. Lucky numbers: 35, 38, 40, 55

SNAKE Today, you’ll find it hard to control your anger because you can no longer tolerate your partner’s behavior. Hurtful words will be spoken, but you won’t regret it because that’s truly how you feel. Lucky numbers: 11, 17, 25, 26

HORSE There’s something you need to finish today that you can’t postpone. So, you won’t disturb anyone, not even unexpected visitors today. You won’t face them either. Lucky numbers: 62, 63, 66, 70

SHEEP Your positive outlook will be put to the test today. You’ll face an unpleasant scenario, caught between deciding between two people who are both important to you. Lucky numbers: 51, 58, 65, 69

MONKEY Your health won’t be in good condition today. You’ll feel body heaviness and headaches. It’s better to stay quiet at home and get enough rest. Lucky numbers: 71, 73, 80, 82

ROOSTER Don’t insist on something you know is not possible. If you insist, you’ll experience failure today. There’s still something you can do to avoid it. Relax and accept what’s meant for you. Lucky numbers: 13, 21, 24, 35

DOG You’ll be the solution to a friend’s problem. You can’t deny them the help you can provide because there was a time in your life when you approached them, and they didn’t let you down. Lucky numbers: 6, 7, 10, 11

PIG You’ll have a happy day at work because the tasks assigned to you today are light. So, you can relax thoroughly and even have time for other things you want to squeeze in at work. Lucky numbers: 32, 33, 37, 41

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