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Chinese Horoscope (ENG) December 8, 2023

RAT (DAGA) You will be happy today because of a celebration you will attend. Just be careful with the food you eat as it might upset your stomach if you overindulge. There will also be many people to chat with. Lucky numbers: 28, 33, 43, 46

OX (BAKA) Something important will be lost to you today, but you won’t immediately notice it. The entire day will pass without you realizing it until you need it later in the evening. That’s when you’ll be troubled. Lucky numbers: 11, 14, 22, 45

TIGER (TIGRE) Because your partner cannot decide on a situation that he/she needs to decide, you will be the one to make the decision. He/she needs your approval, both in favor and against his/her wishes. Lucky numbers: 35, 48, 59, 66

RABBIT (KUNEHO) Avoid arguing with a friend just because you have different political beliefs. This disagreement may lead to deep conflicts in the coming days if not immediately addressed. Lucky numbers: 14, 15, 21, 27

DRAGON (DRAGON) You’ve thought about it thousands of times, but until now, you haven’t done what you need to do. This is the right time to set it free. He/she is not the person intended for you by God. Lucky numbers: 32, 41, 50, 52

SNAKE (AHAS) A high school friend is destined to be lost today. Although you have no communication now, he/she has been good to you, and you will regret this news. Lucky numbers: 8, 10, 18, 20

HORSE (KABAYO) There’s nothing wrong with trying a new business. You just need to be careful in choosing it and also in the people you trust with it. You should also study whatever business you decide on. Lucky numbers: 13, 34, 40, 54

SHEEP (TUPA) The exercise you’ve been planning for a long time will finally happen today due to the insistence of a relative and friend. Because of this, you will feel the relief of your body, so you will consider repeating it. Lucky numbers: 1, 2, 5, 7

MONKEY (UNGGOY) The day will be happy for you as you go to an event. Here, you are scheduled to meet a person who will greatly help your livelihood because he/she will offer you a good opportunity. Lucky numbers: 34, 36, 42, 63

ROOSTER (TANDANG) The day will be pleasant for you and your family. Even if your plan to go out for a stroll does not push through, the bonding inside your home will be joyful. Lucky numbers: 54, 65, 78, 79

DOG (ASO) You will be confused by the feelings a colleague will show you. At first, he/she will be friendly to you as if he/she doesn’t want to lose sight of you. But before the day ends, you will feel that he/she is avoiding you. Lucky numbers: 26, 29, 31, 32

PIG (BABOY) Avoid dropping hints to someone you dislike as much as possible. Not everyone will go along with your trip, so your enemy will increase. Someone unexpected will defend you from the criticisms. Lucky numbers: 62, 66, 71, 83

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