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Friday, July 26, 2024


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Who are the members of the band and what instruments do each play, as well as vocals

We have Arvin Balquin on Guitars, Eric Jimenez on the Drums, Boom Rodirguez on Bass and

Reginald Roy on Vocals

When did you form your band?  Did you know each other beforehand?

Rahjang was formed in 2020 initially with Arvin Balquin and Reginald Roy. During the pandemic they wrote songs that were released digitally on major music streaming platforms. Boom Rodriguez and Eric Jimenez officially joined the band in 2023 and have been a crucial part of the creative and live performance process.

Arvin and Boom are friends from college, while Eric and Regoy collaborated previously.

They’ve all been playing separately for a while but now, have focused their efforts on Rahjang.

Who writes the music?

For the tracks out right now, Arvin would be responsible for the compositions while, Regoy is responsible for the lyrics. They made the tracks by recording from their own homes, especially during the pandemic meticulously perfecting their riffs, tempos, and harmonies. Tireless days and sleepless nights were spent crafting their signature sound, combining elements of classic heavy metal with modern ferocity, resulting in a nostalgic and innovative sound.

Where do you draw your inspiration from for your songs?

Our songs are usually “inspired story telling”. Sometimes drawn from personal experiences, sometimes a re-telling of great stories from a different perspective. We try to encompass a relentless exploration of heavy, crushing tones intertwined with intricate melodies that take listeners on a rollercoaster of emotions. They’ve crafted a signature sound that is both familiar and innovative. Their lyrics delve deep into themes of human struggles, the darkest corners of the human psyche, and inner battles, all delivered unapologetically.

Are you performing live and where can people see you?

Yes, we are now performing live at different venues for various productions.

Gig schedules are here, updated live:


Bookmark the link as when we have new gig dates, the poster will be updated as well.

Band Description:

Welcome to the relentless world of Rahjang, a powerhouse 4-piece metal band with relentless energy, raw talent, and unyielding passion for music. Formed in 2020, this group of fierce musicians came together with one common goal: to create a sonic assault that leaves audiences captivated and craving more.

Their story began within the walls of the recording studio, where they painstakingly honed their craft, meticulously perfecting their riffs, tempos, and harmonies. Tireless days and sleepless nights were spent crafting their signature sound, combining elements of classic heavy metal with modern ferocity, resulting in a nostalgic and innovative sound.

Drawing inspiration from the titans of metal that came before them, they have crafted a unique blend of crushing riffs, thunderous rhythms, and electrifying melodies that embody the very essence of the genre. Their music is a visceral and cathartic experience, channeling raw emotion and intense energy into every performance.

Their music is a relentless exploration of heavy, crushing tones intertwined with intricate melodies that take listeners on a rollercoaster of emotions. They’ve crafted a signature sound that is both familiar and innovative. Their lyrics delve deep into themes of human struggles, the darkest corners of the human psyche, and inner battles, all delivered unapologetically.











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