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Winner of Mutya sa Tagbilaran 2024: Mary Love Lopez

Bohol, Philippines certainly has its share of beauty queens and Mary Love Lopez fits in that category at the top of the class. This gorgeous pageant superstar is destined for the main stage in the very near future.

Anyone can tell be the way she walks or stands during a photo session that this young lady is a superstar in the making. Makes sense, given her trainer is Karla Supersoft.

What made you want to compete in beauty pageants?

It all started with my mom; she’s also a former beauty queen. I am really inspired by her with the stories she shared and all the positive things about pageantry. And as I grew in the industry, I have also learned and realized so many more things that pageantry can offer. It is not just about glitz and glamour but most importantly for our causes to be implemented.

What does beauty mean to you? It’s more than just looks, right?

Yes, beauty is more than just looks. For me, we are as beautiful as our hearts. What we do would always reflect on our physical beauty. It’s about how someone carries themselves, their personality and the way we make others feel about themselves as well. It is not just about the looks, but how we are as a person.

What makes you special? What will set you apart from the other contestants?

I guess what sets me apart from the other candidates is my experience. I’ve been in the world of pageantry for quite some time. I’ve encountered different cultures, met a lot of people, and tried various pageants already. However, I’ve always wanted to remain grounded despite that. It’s not a reason for me to boast and see myself as superior to others, but for me to inspire people as well to trust the process, use that experience for your personal growth and most of all to embrace humility.

If you win a pageant, how would you use your title to help others?

Pageantry is more than just glitz and glamour. Behind those beautiful faces and gowns that we see is a platform for our purpose. By winning a pageant, I could reach a wider audience to inspire, influence, and connect with other people about my causes. I would work with some organizations and government agencies so we could initiate a project for the realization of my advocacy.

How do you deal with people who might say mean things?

The best thing to handle with those people is to not deal with them. I always put into mind that those negative and mean things do not define who I am. They can say anything they want, but it won’t affect me because I am beyond those criticisms, and I know myself more. What matters to me is I have my family who loves me, and there are more people who support me. They are worth my time and attention more than anyone.

What kind of person do you think does well in pageants?

For me, it should be a person who embodies confidence, charisma, a sense of responsibility, and most of all humility. A person who does well in pageants should have a genuine connection to people, an approachable one to make a positive impact on her community. She should also be a well-rounded individual who can handle pressure gracefully and be a good representation for her fellow people.

Being in a pageant means a lot of people are watching. How will you stay yourself through it all?

During a pageant, it is really important to be consistent and stay grounded until the end of the competition. For me to do that, of course, I did a lot of preparation beforehand. Trainings, practices, and vitamins daily to be mentally, physically, and emotionally ready. I prepare holistically to stay myself through it all.

What do you dream of doing in the future, pageant world or not?

I have a lot of plans in the future. I aspire to excel in my professional career as well as in the pageant world. I dream of joining a national pageant, winning a national title, and representing our country in the future. I would also want to work in airline management or the medical field someday.

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