28.1 C
Monday, October 21, 2024


Curses. It’s the last resort of those who have been oppressed, hurt, and abused. Curses are embedded in black magic rituals because they bring harm to a person.

Before you even think of cursing someone, let me tell you that cursing is inherently evil. To better understand why cursing is evil, let me explain the Law of Threefold or Threefold Law. This universal law states that any evil magic you cast on others will return to you three times. This law is guided by the great Cosmic Force. Cursing is a type of black magic or black majick that inflicts suffering and illness on a person. Therefore, any magic intended to cause distress, sickness, and chaos to a person is considered evil. Although Pagans believe that the Threefold Law does not apply to those who do not believe in it. If you read the history of Black Magic, many witches relentlessly practice harmful magic that inflicts suffering on their victims. Witches do not believe in the Threefold Law and for them, they are helping the oppressed. They consider themselves as the law enforcers.

Anyone has the ability to curse. Yes, everyone. There is only one essential ingredient to perform a curse, and that is intense hatred and disgust towards a person you want to curse. In fact, you don’t need to use an altar, voodoo dolls, pins, black candles, and any other props to curse someone. When you are at the peak of oppression and abuse, you can curse the person who did wrong to you. Especially if your tears are drawn from your heart and soul, you will be heard. Whatever curse or word you release about the person who oppressed you will have more power.

But just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Beware because one of the 12 Laws of the Universe is there—the Law of Karma. If you are a person with deep spirituality, you will understand the simple law of the universe—what you sow is what you reap. Do good and you will be blessed—abundantly. Likewise, if you do evil, it will come back to you like a boomerang, hitting, spreading, and driving you mad. This is the Threefold Law. Always remember, fill your heart and mind with positive thoughts. Whatever curse you utter, it may also come back to you. It’s like spitting upwards. So, instead of seeking revenge, just leave everything to God. Because the law of karma is always there.

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