If you are health-conscious and also believe in superstitions, you need to know some superstitions related to your health. Here are a few of them.
TO AVOID PIMPLES No one wants to have a lot of pimples. For some, having them is genetic or hereditary. It can also be caused by staying up late, thinking deeply, eating peanuts, and various other reasons. To avoid this, there is a superstition that if you rub your first menstruation on your face, you won’t get pimples. Your face will remain smooth even as you age. However, it’s believed that this only works with the first menstruation.
TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH WHEN THE MOON IS FULL There is a superstition that when the moon is full, the sick will become weaker, and pregnant women will give birth unexpectedly if they go out of the house. It is better to watch over your health when the moon is full and make sure your body is in good condition.
HEALING CRYSTALS There are crystals believed to promote good health, such as black obsidian, carnelian, and rose quartz. According to superstition, these can help reduce your stress, regulate your menstrual cycle, and improve your mood.
MAGICAL RIVERS FOR HEALING If you have a severe illness, people from different parts of the world believe in sacred or magical rivers. Just take a bath in one of them, and you will quickly recover and feel relief in your body. In the Philippines, we have many rivers considered as sacred.
MAGIC PILL Is there really a magic pill? It is the embrace and care of a parent for their sick child or a child for their sick parent. Superstition says that the power of love’s touch is mighty and can alleviate the patient’s suffering.