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Friday, September 6, 2024

Philippine Population by Age Group: The Positives and Negatives

Here’s a breakdown of the Philippine population by age group, including the total number of citizens in each group and the overall percentage:

Age GroupTotal Citizens (Millions)Percentage (%)

The Philippines’ population breakdown, with over 50% of citizens under 25, presents both advantages and challenges for the country’s future. Here’s a closer look at the positives and negatives:


  • Demographic Dividend:
    • A large young population can be a demographic dividend, providing a significant workforce and driving economic growth.
    • This “bonus population” can contribute to increased productivity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
  • Technological Adaptability:
    • Younger generations are generally more comfortable with technology and digital tools, which can be beneficial for adopting new technologies and promoting a knowledge-based economy.
  • Resilience and Dynamism:
    • Young people often bring fresh perspectives, creativity, and a willingness to learn new things, contributing to a more dynamic and adaptable society.


  • Unemployment and Underemployment:
    • A large number of young job seekers can lead to high unemployment or underemployment rates if sufficient job opportunities are not available. This can lead to frustration, social unrest, and brain drain.
  • Education and Skills Gap:
    • If the education system doesn’t adequately equip young people with the skills needed for the changing job market, it can hinder their employability and economic potential.
  • Social Issues and Challenges:
    • A large youth population can also present challenges related to social issues like early pregnancy, drug use, and crime. Additionally, access to healthcare, education, and other essential services might be strained.

Overall, the Philippines’ age breakdown presents a mixed bag of opportunities and challenges. The country needs to leverage the demographic dividend by investing in education, skills development, and job creation for its young population. Simultaneously, addressing social issues and ensuring equitable access to resources is crucial. By making these strategic investments and navigating the challenges effectively, the Philippines can harness the potential of its young population and build a brighter future for all.

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