Group activities of all kinds will be of major importance to you over the coming 12 months and with Mars moving in your favor on your birthday you will be expected to take a leadership role. It’s time to step up and take on a more central role.
ARIES (March 21 – April 20):
If a friend or work mate has a good idea today try finding ways you can use that idea to further your own ambitions. There is nothing stopping you from adapting their thoughts to suit your own needs. But adapt – don’t copy exactly.
TAURUS (April 21 – May 21):
Okay, so you have told the world what you are going to do – now it might be a good idea to actually do it! The sooner you get started on your project the sooner others will realize you are not joking – this time you really mean it.
GEMINI (May 22 – June 21):
If you need to make changes to a partnership or relationship now is the time. As Mars moves into your opposite sign you won’t find it so hard to end associations you know are no longer good for you. There can be no room for sentiment.
CANCER (June 22 – July 23):
You could work twice as hard to get a chore or task out of the way quickly today but the planets warn you may exhaust yourself if you do. Take it easy and give Mars time to build up your energy again. Save yourself for the weekend.
LEO (July 24 – Aug. 23):
Just because a friend or relative expects you to knuckle down and do your “duty” does not mean you are under any obligation to do so. If you have other plans for your time and energy then ignore what they say and go your own way.
VIRGO (Aug. 24 – Sept. 23):
As Mars moves into the domestic area of your chart today you must expect a certain amount of aggravation from those you are close to emotionally. Try to keep your own feelings steady because if you react in kind it could get messy.
LIBRA (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23):
With the entry of Mars into one of the more outspoken areas of your chart today you won’t hesitate to let others know what it is you desire. And if they are not prepared to give it to you then you will take it. Don’t take on the world though.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22):
You may not have quite the strength or stamina you have become used to in recent weeks but that’s okay. You had to slow down some time – or risk burning yourself out – and now is as good a moment as any. Give yourself a break. You need it.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 21):
Mars in your sign over the next few weeks will endow you with strength and stamina and, above all, ambition. You know in your bones there is nothing you cannot achieve if you want it enough and are prepared to make the necessary sacrifices.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 20):
You may have to work on something you don’t much enjoy today but you are advised to make a good job of it because there are a lot of eyes on you at the moment. Show willingness now and there could be big rewards later on.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19):
Something will happen today that makes it abundantly clear that your opinions about a certain situation have missed the mark by a considerable distance. There is no shame in admitting that you got it wrong. You cannot be right every time.
PISCES (Feb. 20 – Mar. 20):
Yes, your rivals have more power than you and, yes, they are prepared to use it, but don’t let that cow you into submission. They may have might on their side but you have right, so stick to your guns. It’s a matter of principle.