27.3 C
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Daily English Horoscope April 11, 2024


There are certain things in life worth fighting for and over the next few months it will become abundantly clear what cause you are going to make your own. Don’t be a follower, be a leader – and show the world you are a force to be reckoned with.

ARIES (March 21 – April 20):

Just because someone occupies a position of power does not mean you have to go along with everything they say and do. Today’s sun-Pluto link suggests you may have to make a stand and put principle first. Others will admire you for it.

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21):

You have made no end of sacrifices for other people in recent weeks and have every right to ask for something in return. Whether or not you get it is another matter entirely but don’t be afraid to speak up. In fact, don’t ask – demand!

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21):

You may like to pretend that you don’t care what people think of you but it isn’t true and what happens today may hurt your self-image a little. Don’t get uptight about it. Learn what you can from what others say and then move on.

CANCER (June 22 – July 23):

You don’t lack for courage or confidence but you may need a bit more common sense if you are to make the most of your current opportunities. Can you trust what people in positions of power are telling you? Do some digging and find out.

LEO (July 24 – Aug. 23):

There is no point planning too far ahead at the moment because there are going to be some major changes over the next few days. They may not affect you directly but they will affect you via other people, so be ready.

VIRGO (Aug. 24 – Sept. 23):

Try not to be influenced by things that you do not have the power to change. The message of the stars for you today is that you must channel your energy into areas where you can shape the outcome. Always be positive in your thinking.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23):

You know you are capable of so much more than you are currently doing, so why are you still holding back? Whatever the reason you need to come to terms with it quickly because time is running out. Stop making plans and start taking action.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22):

You seem unable to decide whether to get serious about a relationship or whether to keep it on a merely friendly level. Only you can decide but the fact that you have doubts suggests you may know, deep down, that it’s not a true love match.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 21):

A friend or colleague will offer what sounds like good advice today but if your sixth sense isn’t too happy about it you would be wise to reject it. Chances are there is a factor that both they and you have missed. Give it time to show itself.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 20):

If someone lets you down at the last moment don’t get angry about it – just treat it as one of those things that happens sometimes. Why waste your emotional energy on something that is of only minor importance in the greater scheme of things?

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19):

Do you push ahead with a project that is going to take up a large slice of your time and energy, or do you postpone it until your schedule is a little less busy? Chances are if you delay today you will delay forever, so get on with it!

PISCES (Feb. 20 – Mar. 20):

You have always found it easy to forgive and forget – your heart is made that way – but today you will need to show a touch of real toughness, if only to remind certain people that there are limits to your tolerance. They’ll get the message.

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