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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Chinese Horoscope (ENG) May 22, 2024


The processing of the documents you need will be quick. Because of this, you will have time to do other things you need to finish, easing your worries. Lucky numbers: 17, 20, 32, 34


Even though you have decided to entrust an important project to someone, you still can’t help but worry. This is because your trust in their abilities isn’t solid. You still have doubts. Lucky numbers: 11, 19, 20, 25


Unexpectedly, you will find yourself back in a place you never wanted to visit again. You have many happy, yet more bitter, memories in this place. Lucky numbers: 30, 35, 40, 45


The line “we’re just friends” is getting old, but you still stick to it with your relatives, even though you know there is something special between you and someone. You’re not ready to tell them yet. Lucky numbers: 5, 10, 13, 24


You will find it difficult to understand a relative who is going through something. This is because you have advised them multiple times, but they didn’t listen, and now they are in a difficult situation. Lucky numbers: 20, 30, 34, 45


Luck is close to you now. Even if you don’t move or act, good fortune will still come your way. Today is your day. Blessings will overflow for you. Lucky numbers: 18, 19, 32, 37


You will panic due to the pile of work you find in your work area. You were confident initially because you had completed a lot before the work stoppage, so you will be surprised now. Lucky numbers: 6, 11, 13, 24


You will hesitate to try a job you are not familiar with. You will be afraid of making mistakes. But you have no choice. Your family will go hungry if you don’t take it. You will think of it as being for them. Lucky numbers: 7, 18, 45, 46


You will be caught between two friends who are arguing. Both are close to you, so you can’t decide whose side to take. So, you will choose to distance yourself. Lucky numbers: 14, 20, 25, 30


You will receive a visitor today. Their purpose is important to you. You will talk for almost half the day about it. Their visit will be meaningful, making you comfortable. Lucky numbers: 50, 56, 57, 69


You will be busy with your business today. Although you are making money now, you know it is temporary and won’t last. So, you will think of other ways to make it active again. Lucky numbers: 3, 5, 16, 17


Luck will still be elusive today. You will continue to weigh things in your household because of the people living with you now, making it hard for blessings to come your way. Lucky numbers: 41, 42, 57, 59

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