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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Chinese Horoscope (ENG) June 28, 2024


You will feel bad for not inviting a friend you thought you were. Today you will be able to prove where you belong to him. You can’t do anything but feel bad.

Lucky number; 13,26,30,33


The second time the project you were hoping to start now with your team will be delayed again. But there are many more obstacles that will cause it to be perfected again.

Lucky number; 35,40,45,51


With the amount you learned from the panmedic experience, you hope that your life will be more meaningful now and you will start it within your family. You will give up useless activities.

Lucky number; 7,20,22,36


Even if the person you expect to help you doesn’t come, you will still continue the business you want. Because of this you will grope. It will be difficult in the beginning but you will learn it over time.

Lucky number; 51,52,66,67


A friend who used to annoy you will be with you today in an unexpected opportunity. Your simple conversation will open the door to new friendships.

Lucky number; 9,19,21,26


You will feel sick today. So your intention to go to an event will not go ahead, instead you will choose to rest your body first to relieve the bad feeling.

Lucky number; 8,10,14,18


You don’t want to take your problem to yourself because you know it will only make things worse. That’s why you choose a friend who will be able to breathe and ask for advice about this so that at least you can have hope.

Lucky number; 65,69,70,71


You have a good work record so a mistake you make today will not affect your performance much. But don’t be complacent because many people envy you.

Lucky number; 11,15,20,30


Avoid giving in to emotions because it will do you no good. It would be better if you distance yourself from the people who give you stress and think about what to do before making a decision.

Lucky number; 3,4,5,7


You can’t say anything in the company of a person who is slandering you, so you choose to keep quiet and continue communicating with him instead of listening to those who are destructive.

Lucky number; 12,21,31,41


You can’t stand a member of your family. Even though he hurt you a lot and did bad things to you, when he approaches you now, you will forgive him and give him another chance.

Lucky number; 59,63,64,76


Your money plan will be ruined by the unexpected arrival of other bills. But don’t worry too much because you can’t bear it alone. Someone will help you to solve this.

Lucky number; 30,34,47,50

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