28.1 C
Monday, October 21, 2024

Francis Lachance, Songwriter from Montreal, QC Canada

Artist name – Francis Lachance

Located in – Montreal QC Canada

Genre’s – Pop, folk, rock

Instruments – Piano, guitar, bass & drums

Music history – Started in Montreal as a musician/jingle writer

Nicely arranged and easy listening. Like it a lot

Social Media

Video linksYouTube Music

YouTube Channel: (2) francis lachance – YouTube

Facebook: (9) Facebook

Contact: aquasolutions4u@yahoo.com

Rock n Roll baby

Francis Lachance is a prolific indie songwriter from Canada with hundreds of songs in his musical database. Check out his music on YouTube and on PhilippineOne

Strong Beatle, McCartney influence. Great song

PhilippineOne supports and promotes Indie artists and writers from around the globe. Visit often to hear talented Indie musicians like Francis Lachance.

This is a hauntingly dark song with an orchestral background that deserves to be heard a few times. A memorable song

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