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Friday, July 26, 2024

Mrs. Cebu Philippines 2023: Suzanne Nina Llanos

As the title notes, Suzanne was the Mrs. Cebu Philippines beauty pageant winner in 2023. She represents Talisay, Cebu.

What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you on stage or during pageant prep?

I don’t consider that embarrassing, but somehow it feels like a lesson learned, and that was back in 2010 when I started joining pageants. I have no idea what pageantry was at that time. Fast forward: On coronation day, I wasn’t prepared for the Q&A portion, and I was asked about my opinion on the reproductive health bill. I was surprised and just answered to do what is right, and I thank you. I was 16 at the time, and I had no idea what it was, so I thought I would just be asked what my favorite color was.

If you could have a superpower for one day, what would it be and why? How would you use it to make a difference?

The power of healing. In these times, we are living in a fast-paced era, and due to technology and radiation, the life span of people is getting shorter. If I had the power to heal, I would love to heal those who were sick, who were broken, and who were mentally challenged, and with that, I could preserve the world with healthy people living in it so people get to spend more years with their family.

Describe your ultimate “me time” routine. What does it look and what does it do for you?

My “me time” is always during my prayer time. I get to spend it alone in my bed—no distractions, just a voice in my head praying to God. During that time, I can tell God everything that I cannot tell others. This “me time” helps me to think stable and helps me heal with the things that only God could heal. I always believed that no one has perfect life, and so am I, but with prayers, I get to feel relaxed that life is not just about this physical world but the world after and that feeling make me somehow relax and I could only feel that during my prayer time.

Social media can be a double-edged sword. What’s one positive way you’ve used your platform to inspire others?

I always believed in the idea that my social media was my rules, but in this world where social media became a means of spreading negativity, as someone who always believed in good in everyone, I could use this platform to spread positive vibes by just sharing what is fact, to share what is good and beneficial to everyone, to share what is recently happening in my life, and to react positively with the posts on my friends list and make them feel that their posts are great and they look good by reacting and commenting nicely, and somehow I could make them feel positive as much as those friends made me feel.

If you could create a signature dessert, what would it be and why?

Mrs. Cebu Tapioca: As the reigning queen of Mrs. Cebu, it is so sweet that people address me that way, and since my favorite low-key dessert is tapioca, it will somehow add to the sweetness of someone calling me Mrs. Cebu. This signature dessert of mine could add refreshment to this hot weather that we are all experiencing, and the sweetness of the mango and cream could make our tongue want for more.

Let’s say you win the competition and are whisked away on a luxurious vacation. Where would you go and what would be on your must-do list?

Being a winner is already a luxurious thing, and a luxurious vacation would be a bonus for me, especially if I got to spend it with the people I love. I would love to go to the pristine beaches of Palawan. It may not sound as luxurious as it is, but I love my country, and since I have not been to Palawan, it would be a great feeling to travel there for free. I love the reviews of the people who already went there, so I would love to go swimming, kayaking, island hopping, and eating seafood.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Show me a picture on your phone that holds a special meaning for you and tell the story behind it

This is during the Mrs. Cebu-Philippines 2023 coronation night held last November, and this is the first time that I have worn the crown. Together with me are the reigning queens of Mrs. Cebu. This is a special moment for me, as I worked hard for it. There were sleepless days since I was working a night shift, so I could attend all the events and make sure that I could participate in all the meetings, practice, and sponsor visits. I made sure that my journey would be worth it.

Imagine you are giving a pep talk to a group of young girls. What is the most important piece of advice you would give them?

The piece of advice I would give them is “Live your life according to God.” Young girls are under pressure now, and it seems that they are rushing and struggling at their young age. I hope they get to feel the beauty of youth in accordance with God by doing what is right, taking their time to learn and explore the beauty of life, and honoring their parents as God has always commanded us. Lastly, to not be afraid to fail, as no one is perfect, but to learn the lesson from it so they can prepare themselves for adulthood equipped with wisdom, kindness, and trust in the Lord.

Hair: Jane Doble

Makeup artist/ Handler: Gian Espera

Aesthetics: Rieal Aesthetics

Tambayan Korner who sponsored tickets during my MCP journey

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