Minnie is Candidate #23 in the Queen Mother of Cebu 2024 and is representing Tisa, Cebu City
How did you get into pageantry? What made you want to compete?
I started the pageantry by accident. In 2007. E-Mall was looking for mothers for a talent contest but during the competition, they added a Q&A portion so the Talent Contest turned into a pageant for mothers. I won 1st place that time. That’s when I met pageant handlers who encouraged me to join Beauty Pageants for mothers. I was enticed to join because somehow, I earned extra income, but the last time I joined was almost 10 years ago. Honestly, I was having 2nd thoughts of joining Queen Mother of Cebu because I could not afford additional expenses. But my family and friends encourage me and assure me of their support. I’m happy I heeded their advice.

What does beauty mean to you? Is it more than just looks?
I always believe that a true beauty radiates from within. Growing up, I was bullied because of my looks. I have dark skin and curly hair and I was so skinny. Instead of sulking, I taught myself self-love. I focused my energy on building my character. Now at 51, some people would say I don’t look like my age.

What makes you special? What sets you apart from the other contestant?
These 2 attributes: I’m an entertainer and a creative person. It makes me feel good when I see people getting entertained with my performance. And while other candidates were having challenges in creating the recyclable fun wear, I got so excited when the organizers encouraged us to create our own because this gave me chance to show my creative side.
If you win, how would you use your title to help others?
I’m advocating the importance of mental health. As a mother, it saddens me to know that the suicide rate among Filipino Youths is increasing. I will use my title to encourage parents and teachers on equipping ourselves on how to detect mental health issues among our youths. Early detection can save lives.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve learned from being in pageants?
To be authentic. Don’t compete with your co-candidates. Compete with yourself. Strive to be a better version of yourself. And while achieving to have your own limelight, make sure you don’t cast a shadow over other candidates.

How do you deal with people who might say mean things?
I always say this to my kids. You can never control other people. What you can control is yourself. People especially in SocMed can be mean. As much as possible, I don’t waste my time dealing with these types of people. Some say, we must call out this arrogant behavior, but bashers, most of them, already know that what they’re doing is wrong and they do it anyway for attention. So why would I give it to them?

Tell us about a time something amazing happened during a pageant.
It was my first major beauty pageant, Mrs. Cebu 2008 organized by a radio station. Most of the candidates already had pageant experience. Some even competed on a national level. I thought to myself that I could never beat those ladies so, I was hoping to j just bag the Best in Talent Award. After showcasing my talent, which was a mix of a standup comedy, sing and dance, I became the crowd’s favorite. And lo and behold, I also won first place.

What kind of person do you think does well in pageants?
Someone who embodies the character of a beauty queen. We know it’s a competition but a true beauty queen lifts the morale of everyone. She’s doesn’t steal someone’s limelight. She’s a beacon of confidence, beauty and charm

Being in a pageant means a lot of people are watching. How do you stay yourself through it all?
By being authentic. My positivity and sense of humor also helps me get through it. I know that it’s sometimes overwhelming with all the people watching you, but I make sure to remind myself to enjoy the moment. I’m also fortunate to have family and friends who are super-duper supportive. And lastly, I give it all to God for all these gifts came from HIM.

What do you dream of doing in the future, pageant world or not?
I dream to have our own family business, to continue inspiring my followers, coz I have a TikTok account under the name Madiskarte nga Inahan. And after I shared my story about my son who falls in love with a Trans, my followers grew. And win or lose, I want to be part of QMC Organization because I believe in their advocacy. I’ll offer my service to the Organization since I used to organize beauty pageants in our Barangay.

List of Sponsors:
Barangay Capt. Ada Lapiña and Council
*City Councilor Phillip Savios Zafra
* Hoocha and The Original Siomai sa Tisa
* Michelle Sampoerna
* Keannah Marante
* Sabel’s Pocherohan, Capitol Site

Sponsors (Continued)
* Norma Co
* Edwina Veloso
* Dr. Junmay Dacal
* Susan Velos
* Selester Necesario
* Donata by Kate Singson

Cynthia Duran
Franklin Oliverio
Dems Lavilla