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Monday, October 21, 2024

Beauty Queen: Danica Rosal

The very beautiful Danica was contestant #10 in the Queen Mother of Cebu beauty pageant. Her bio below is fascinating. Please scroll to the bottom to watch videos

What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you on stage or during pageant prep?

Joining Queen Mother of Cebu 2023 was my first-ever pageant, so you can already imagine that being on stage was never a thing for me. I went through a lot of training on my pasarella and got good at it, but I overlooked and wasn’t prepared enough for the public speaking part. Being in front of a big crowd is what I fear most, and I remember my knees being weak every time I went in front when we had school presentations or reporting.

During the coronation night was the most embarrassing moment for me; the preliminary round is when we were given a random #hashtag word that defines us as a mother. The long hours of standing, the super cold temperature of IEC, the lights, and the crowd made my knees weak again and took away my confidence. The word they gave me was “Versatile.” I froze up, my mind went blank, trying to recall if I encountered studying that word and somehow apply it to my life and journey.

I was able to spit out something, but the icing on the cake wasn’t enough to convince them. Until this day, it was an embarrassing moment for me because I thought I failed myself and that I wasn’t doing enough. Looking back at that memory now, I realized that being part of that experience and standing in front of the people who rooted for me was already enough to prove to myself how versatile I am as a mother.

If you could have a superpower for one day, what would it be and why? How would you use it to make a difference?

As a mother, I juggle a lot of things in my life, especially for my family. Having “super strength” power would make me invulnerable to all the challenges that life throws at me and allow me to be a support for every vulnerable mom out there. For I will be the stronger person for them.

Describe your ultimate “me-time” routine.

My ultimate me-time routine is to start my day with a healthy balanced breakfast, and I also don’t forget to put Vitamin E sunblock as part of my daily skincare routine before I head out. I go to the gym to start my day fresh since it releases positive endorphins. This routine sets the tone for the rest of my day. I’m energized, focused, and stress-free.

Social media can be a double-edged sword. What’s one positive way you’ve used your platform to inspire others?

I created my DUHKNEEKA page during the pandemic since I only wanted to stream playing video games. I stopped when typhoon Odette hit Cebu, and I lost the momentum of streaming. So I used this platform instead to inspire my supporters with my little achievements. Joining Queen Mother of Cebu motivated me more to be the better version of myself. Leading a better lifestyle through my fitness journey and showing my progress. I hope it can help those unsure of whether or not to start their own journey too!

If you could create a signature dessert, what would it be and why?

I’m actually not a fan of most sweets haha, I prefer dark chocolate. If I had to make a signature dessert, it would be a special leche flan for my son. He’s been baking recently and is now hooked on making leche flan. One of my favorite memories is trying to make it with him for the first time. The shape wasn’t perfect, but the taste was. I would want to create that dessert for him to keep inspiring him to pursue his hobbies and remember our time together.

Let’s say you win the competition and are whisked away on a luxurious vacation. Where would you go and what would be on your must-do list?

Last year we took a family trip to Japan. It was amazing! I would definitely go back there on a luxury trip. My to-do list would involve climbing to the top of Mt. Fuji to show moms to keep reaching for new heights!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Show me a picture on your phone that holds a special meaning for you and tell the story behind it.

For me, it’s this picture of me and my son when I was 19 years old, and he just turned 1. I am a teenage mother and a victim of domestic abuse. We were on our own, not knowing if we’re gonna make it and what tomorrow would bring. But with my faith in Jesus Christ, I was able to find strength to work and provide for my son and never again put myself in a position that someone could cause me physical harm.

Imagine you are giving a pep talk to a group of young girls. What is the most important piece of advice you would give them?

Invest in yourself. For those with the opportunity to continue their education, finish it! Work on your skills, give value and respect to yourself. Stay focused on what you want to achieve and don’t let anyone bring you down, and when everything seems hopeless, have faith for God is always with you. “A woman’s heart must be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him to find her.” -Maya Angelou-

I would like to give credit to my husband Jacob Beasley for his unconditional love and support in everything I do.

Make up | Scarlet Tumalon, Josel B. Espina, Cielo Diamante

Hair | Alvin Alforo

Styled | Johnlery Dote

Pasarella Trainer | Anton Gonzalez

Q/A – Michelle Padayhag

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