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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Beauty Queen: Bianca Marie M. Cabrera

Bianca Marie is 22 years old and in her 4th Year BA Communication at the University of the Philippines Cebu. Bianca is what we call a triple threat: Beautiful, intelligent and talented. She is a lady on a mission and we have no doubt she will accomplish whatever she sets her sights on.

What inspired you to start competing in pageants? At first, I thought of joining my first pageant as a way to step out of my comfort zone. But sooner rather than later, I realized the importance of this platform to cater to my advocacies: to bring up the plight of our traditional jeepney drivers amidst the PUV modernization and to promote my passion for our Philippine culture and the arts.

What qualities do you think are essential for a pageant winner to possess? I think that one has to be genuine and portray her true character. I also believe that this should be partnered with a lot of hard work and patience.

How do you prepare yourself for each competition, mentally and physically? I actually have a great team composed of my makeup artist/handler Mark Stephen Ragasajo; hairstylist Abbie Flores Maglasang; paserala trainer Juniel Saligue; and assistant Jules Salundaga, who always make sure that I am physically and mentally strong amidst all the training.

How do you handle nerves and stage fright during the pageant? I try to live in and enjoy the moment. After all, aside from the competition, I join pageants to learn from the experience.

How do you plan to use your platform if you win the title? To use this platform to expand my advocacy and take on various social issues, which I believe are vital in our society.

What is the most important lesson you have learned through your pageant experiences? That the pageant industry is tough. That despite the efforts of trying to be progressive, we are still bound by expectations and notions of how one has to be. But at the end of the day, I think that it will always be up to ourselves how we respond to the certain criticisms that are set upon our society.

How do you balance your pageant obligations with other commitments in your life? I am actually a 4th-year student taking up Bachelor of Arts in Communication at the University of the Philippines Cebu—and I’ve been struggling to balance between my studies and pageantry. So, time management and acknowledging what you prioritize more in life is important.

What do you think sets you apart from the other contestants? I believe that my genuine character and desire to proliferate my advocacy is what sets me apart from other candidates. Although winning isn’t always the goal, I do acknowledge the power it holds and what it can do for what my heart desires most.

How do you think pageants can positively impact society? Given that pageantry is one of the main sources of entertainment for Filipinos, its vast audience can definitely influence people, especially the youth.

What do you hope to gain from your experience competing in pageants? Aside from honing and developing my personality and skills, I do hope that I can also contribute to the road of progressiveness in the pageant industry, especially in our locality.


*Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) 2023 Culture and the Arts Festival Queen Region 7  – First Runner Up, Best Speaker, Most Photogenic

*Miss Tayud Tourism 2024 – Most Photogenic, Top 3 Best in Talent

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