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Friday, July 26, 2024

Grim Rebadulla

What is your name and what instruments do you play?

I’m Rhoevyl (Grim) Rebadulla from Catarman N. Samar. I’m a self-taught solo artist, song writer and a music producer.

When did you form your solo act? 

I started writing songs way back in 2018 and it was all for fun and experience, until I discovered that I could create good music. I soon taught myself everything I needed to know to improve and better myself as a musician. I have already built a large portfolio of songs but unfortunately, I lack the equipment to record them properly.

Who writes the music?

I write my own songs from A to Z. I am constantly learning and improving my skills.

Self-taught? This musician is extremely impressive. Good song, good beats

Where do you draw your inspiration from for your songs?

Sometimes I write songs based on what I feel. My girlfriend is one of my inspirations, I write down the feelings I have for her and create the music. Sometimes I write songs based on other people’s perspectives while other times, I write songs that will inspire myself and others.

I just finished writing a song titled NANDITO. It’s about how I want my girl to be here with me. She is from Japan and we’re meeting this coming December.

This is a hip-hop artist that should go very far. Absolutely wonderful song. Brilliant

Are you performing live and where can people see you?

I really don’t perform live for now but maybe in the future I will. People can follow me on my social media accounts.



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