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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Mrs. Summit North America 2024: Nadine Jones

How did you get into pageantry? What made you want to compete? 

In high school, I was the first woman of color to be crowned homecoming queen!! After that, I was going to enter into teen pageantry, but I ended up having my first child.

What does beauty mean to you? It’s more than just looks, right? 

To me, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. However, to me, beauty is displayed through a person’s heart. Caring for people who can’t care for themselves and making a conscious decision to be kind is true beauty to me.

What makes you special? What sets you apart from the other contestants?

I think that I am unique in the sense that I have had quite a challenging life. I grew up in London and Tokyo, and I can still read and write Japanese! I did experience homelessness in my early adult years, and I have had to rebuild my life multiple times. These experiences have made me who I am today. These set me apart from everyone else.

If you win, how would you use your title to help others? 

If I were to be honored to hold such a prestigious international title, I would never take it for granted. I understand what a privilege it is just to be part of this organization, and I do not take it lightly. As a winner, I would continue my advocacy for person’s with disabilities and special needs. Having an international title would allow me to extend my reach and visit other countries to find out what they are doing for special needs children and adults. This way, I can incorporate my findings worldwide.

What’s the coolest thing you’ve learned from being in pageants?

The coolest thing that I have learned from pageantry is that I have a voice! Not only do I have a voice, but public speaking has become fun and exciting for me!

How do you deal with people who might say mean things?

I tend to treat people as kind as I can. I realize that not everyone enjoys pageantry, but my goal is to show people that the woman behind the crown and sash is still human!

Most memorable pageant memory?

I would have to say at Mrs. American in Las Vegas when I was called to the stage as the 6th top 15 finalist! Truly life changing!

What kind of person do you think does well in pageants? 

I think the person who succeeds in pageantry is the person who remains genuine and true to themselves under all circumstances.

Being in a pageant means a lot of people are watching. How do you stay yourself through it all? 

I remain genuine by relying heavily upon my faith and family. It is important to remember that outside of pageantry, my children are still looking up to me. Therefore, I must remain authentic.

What do you dream of doing in the future, pageant world or not?

I dream of finishing my law degree! Hopefully, I can continue in pageantry. I have one more system I would like to try. After that, I plan on getting into politics on the state level.


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